Parking Citation Information

As part of our commitment to providing safe and accessible parking, parking citations can be issued to any vehicle found in violation of Cal State LA's Parking Regulations. All citations are issued in accordance with the California Vehicle Code. Regulations are enforced 24/7, holidays included. It should be understood that a warning may be issued for a parking violation, however, a citation can be received on the first violation.

Citation Payments

Payments can be made:

  • Online at CalStateLA.aimsparking.comA service fee for credit card transactions will apply.
  • In-person with cash or check at the One-Stop Financial Services, Student Services Building #2380.
  • By mailing your payment to;
              Cal State LA Parking Services
              c/o Parking Citation Service Center
              5151 State University Dr.
              Los Angeles, CA 90032
  • In the citation payment drop-box in front of Public Safety (check or money order only please)
  • For more information on payment arrangements, visit our Citation Payment Agreement Page.

Payment for citations should be made within 21 calendar days of receiving the citation. If payments are received after the due date, a delinquent fee will be assessed to your fine and will be included on your Delinquent Courtesy Notice. Failure to pay a citation may result in a DMV hold and a university hold being placed on your record. Per Adm Procedure 402,7.3.4. the University may remove an abandoned vehicle, any vehicle parked in such a way as to constitute a traffic hazard, and vehicles illegally parked. Vehicles with five (5) or more unpaid parking citations are subject to impound (towing) under California Vehicle Code sections 22651.3(b) and 22651.7. The owner will be responsible for the costs involved in removing and storing of such vehicles.

Parking Fines

Fines vary based on the violation and amounts of fines are in-line with neighboring cities and other CSU Campuses.

Here's a quick guide to our citation descriptions and finesFine amounts effective July 1, 2018
Type of ViolationFine

Violation of Rules and Regulations

(No valid permit displayed, exceeding the time limit, parking in a reserved space, displaying an expired permit, etc.)



Safety Violations

(Fire lane, bike lane, walkway, blocking other vehicles, etc.)



Displaying Forged/Altered or Lost/Stolen Permit$220.00
Disabled Zone Violations$368.00

Bail and delinquent fee amounts effective July 1, 2018

List of Violations, Fines, and Delinquent Fees
Violation Code Description Bail Delinquent Fee Total if Delinquent
22523b ABANDONMENT PROHIBITED $75.00 $34.00 $109.00
21113A-3 BACKED INTO STALL POSTED $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21210 BICYCLE PARKING $18.00 $19.00 $37.00
22500F BLOCKING A SIDEWALK $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
22507.8(b) BLOCKING DISABLED STALL $368.00 $34.00 $402.00
22500(E) BLOCKING DRIVEWAY $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
22500J BUS ZONE $263.00 $34.00 $297.00
22514 BY FIRE HYDRANT NO OPERATOR $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
22507.8(a) DISABLED PARKING ZONE $368.00 $34.00 $402.00
21113A DISABLED PAVEMENT STRIPES $368.00 $34.00 $402.00
2251156b DISABLED PLACARD MISUSE $368.00 $60.00 $428.00
21113A DISPLAY OF FALSE PERMIT $220.00 $34.00 $254.00
22500H DOUBLE PARKING $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
21113A-11 FAIL TO OBEY POSTED SIGN $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
41525 FAILURE TO APPLY FOR REGISTRATION $33.00 $0.00 $33.00
40226 FAILURE TO DISPLAY PLACARD $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113a-32 IMPROPERLY DISPLAYED PERMIT $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-10 LOADING ZONE WHITE YEL. $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-25 LOST/STOLEN PERMIT $220.00 $34.00 $254.00
21113A-6 NO PARKING ZONE $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A NON-DESIGNATED PARKING AREA $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A NO PERMIT $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-33 NO VALID PERMIT DISPLAYED $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A INVALID PERMIT $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-4 OUTSIDE OF MARKED STALL $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A OVERNIGHT PARKING $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
21113A OVERTIME METER $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-7 OVERTIME PARKING $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
22502A PARKING 18IN FROM CURB $60.00 $34.00 $94.00
22500.1 PARKING IN FIRE LANE $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
22507.8(C) PARKING ON A CROSSHATCH $368.00 $34.00 $402.00
21113A-13 PARKING ON A CROSSWALK $75.00 $39.00 $114.00
21113A-9 RED ZONE $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A-8 RESERVED PARKING ZONE $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A SHARED PERMIT $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A TAMPERING W/PKNG METER $220.00 $34.00 $254.00
22515a UNATTENDED VEHICLE $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A UNLAWFUL PARKING -PUBLIC GRND $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
21113A USING MORE THAN ONE STALL $60.00 $60.00 $120.00
22500A WITHIN INTERSECTION $75.00 $39.00 $114.00

Contesting a Citation

A request for an Initial Review of a parking citation must be submitted within 21 calendar days of receiving the citation or within 14 calendar days of receiving the Delinquent Courtesy Notice. Responses will be mailed to the name and address supplied on the form.

Request for an Initial Review can be made by submitting a Parking Citation Contest Form.

  • Contest forms can be submitted online at
  • By mail to Cal State LA Parking Services c/o Parking Citation Service Center, 5151 State University Dr., Public Safety Bldg, Los Angeles, CA 90032

Level One Reviews require 20 business days to complete adjudication.

If you are unsatisfied with the Initial Review results, requests for an Administrative Hearing can be made by steps listed in your Initial Review response. Please note that the Request must be made for an Initial Review before requesting an Administrative Hearing. The request for the Administrative Hearing must be made within 21 days of the results from the Initial Review. No fees are required to request an Initial Review, but all fees due from the Citation must be paid before an Administrative Hearing date is provided (Reference CVC 40215.b. for complete details).

A Hearing Examiner will review the information provided and your testimony. A decision is then rendered. The decision of the Hearing Examiner may be delivered by first-class mail.

If your citation is "dismissed," the penalty paid for the citation will be refunded in full. Refunds would be requested at Public Safety. Public Safety is open Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm, and can be contacted by phone at (323) 343-6118.

If you are not satisfied with the results of the Level 2 Appeal Hearing, you can further appeal your case (in person) to the local court of law within 30 calendar days from the mailing of the Level 2 Appeal Hearing liable notice.

Academic Holds for Unpaid Parking Citations

When a parking citation becomes past due, a DMV registration hold and when eligible an academic hold with the university may be applied as per CCR Title V, Section 42381. An academic hold may include (list transcripts, grades, diploma)

Parking services will use a reasonable determination that the student owned or operated the vehicle at the time of citation to determine whether an Academic Hold will be applied to a student’s record.

Academic holds can only be released after payment is received in full or the debtor enrolls into a Citation Payment Agreement. To ensure the hold is released, please contact Parking Services during regular business hours, Mon-Friday 8:00- 5:00 p.m. Please contact (323) 343-3594 or (323) 343-6118 and authorized staff will release the academic hold once payment or citation status is verified.

Further information on Parking Citations is available by contacting the Parking Services at (323) 343-6118 or via email.

Citation Payment Agreements

Pursuant to California State University (CSU) policy 4071, Cal State LA is offering a payment agreement for multiple unpaid citations or citations totaling $200 or more. At plan enrollment, a minimum initial payment of 10% of the amount owed, plus a $25 enrollment fee, is required. Subsequent payments will be made on a monthly basis as set by Cal State LA Parking Services to the following durations, but citations may be paid in full at any time during the agreement. For more detailed information visit our Citation Payment Agreement page. If you meet the criteria above and would like to set up payment arrangements, please complete the Citation Payment Agreement Request Form. If you have any questions, please email or call (323) 343-6118.

Contact Parking and Transportation for more information

All of the above information is subject to change without notice

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